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Tag: Pharmacie

A dresser with various gifts found in the Holiday Gift Guide placed on top, including shoes, candles, a vase, and more.

Holiday Gift Guide

Perfect picks for every room in your home
Father's day concept - present, tie on rustic wood background

Father’s Day Gifts for Minnesota Dads

A true Minnesotan father will be proud of his heritage with these local displays of affection.

Shop Local at These Memorial Day Weekend Sales

Take advantage of these deals over Memorial Day weekend.
A home library stocked with books, artwork and a ladder resting on the shelves.

Stylish Book Shelves

Give your home library some pizazz with these products from The Shop at MCBA, H&B Gallery, Happy Little Gifts, Hearth and Hammer and more.

Stir, Shake, Relax

(Almost) everything you need to mix up a stylish cocktail

Sale & Event Guide: April 5-10

Sales, style, and shopping events this week throughout the Twin Cities.

Stylemaker: The Owners of Pharmacie Make the Most of Their Small...

Roger Barrett and Sam Beberg of Pharmacie show off the art of editing in their home.

Summer Shine

Mix in metallics for a splash of 1970s glam.