Tag: Fox Interiors
Life in Color 2021: A Colorful Design Competition
2021 Jury
Katelyn Bloomquist || Editor, Midwest Home
Dr. Tasoulla Hadjiyanni || Northrop Professor of Interior Design, University of Minnesota
Mac Plumstead || Design Director, Loll DesignsFrom...
A Dormer Guest Suite Gets a Vintage, Scottish Makeover
Photos by Alyssa Lee, courtesy Fox InteriorsIn the Mac-Groveland neighborhood of St. Paul was a dormer bedroom (slid in during a 1955-era addition to...
A Pinterest-Inspired Kitchen Makeover in St. Anthony
Photos by Alyssa LeeStay-at-home-mom Jen van Buren’s problem was twofold when it came to her 191-square-foot kitchen in the city of St. Anthony near...