Tag: alwaysmod
5 Stylish New Additions at Modern Home Store AlwaysMod
After 15 years of business, Minneapolis Scandinavian shop FinnStyle was reinvented as AlwaysMod, and relocated its storefront to Golden Valley. Expanding on FinnStyle’s assortment...
Minneapolis Bird by Oiva Toikka joins iittala’s “Bird and the City”...
The Finnish glass artist honors Minneapolis with a glass bird sculpture, designed to embody the Nordic winters and symoblize the Mississippi River
Puustelli Cabinets Comes to Minnesota
The Finnish cabinet system, on display at AlwaysMod, offers a new option in custom Scandinavian-style.
Blueberry Mojitos
Shake it up with a new take on the classic mojito with local Twin Cities cocktail products from France 44, AlwaysMod, and more.
A Visual History of Arne Jacobsen’s Midcentury Designs
Join AlwaysMod and Fritz Hansen on October 20 to celebrate the rerelease of Arne Jacobsen's Drop chair.
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Decor and Design News Around Town April/May 2015
Decor and design news and events from Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, AlwaysMod, and American Craft Council.