With an unconventional approach and designs that are out of the ordinary, Julian Design Custom Interiors is a full-service, woman-owned interior design studio in Long Lake, Minnesota. In the late 1970s, the company started as a floor covering store in northern Minnesota. Then, in the ’90s, Julie Ann Witt, owner and principal designer, altered the trajectory of the store to encompass the furniture and design industry—capturing national attention for her design aesthetic and values.
During this period of transition, the realization came that there was very little women’s ownership in the field. “Learning the industry had to come through osmosis, and it was important to empower other women and help move the needle of the industry and woman entrepreneurship overall,” says Lacy Hughes, project manager and designer.
The Julian Design team shares a love for beautiful things and appreciates the aesthetic value of fine art, rugs, and accessories—but more than anything, they love seeing spaces transform. The studio’s primary design philosophy is to “shape the art of the living,” which translates to designs that help clients utilize every space within their home to achieve the lifestyle they are striving for. “Your home is a reflection of you,” says Billie Marie Tharaldson, senior designer. “Make it your best, make it joyful, make it beautiful.”
The team’s promise to their clients emphasizes the importance of consultation, and clients are heavily involved throughout the design process to ensure that each decision is tailored to their interests and visions. This passion and dedication has led to renowned loyalty and referrals of their client base. “There is pure satisfaction that comes from helping our clients—we get to create a space for them that truly reflects them and moves them forward in their life goals and desires,” says Witt. “Hearing a client say, ‘[The design is] exactly what I wanted and couldn’t put into words’ is so rewarding.”
So, what’s one of the reasons clients come back to Julian Design, time and time again? The team understands and forecasts trends while maintaining classic elements to give life and longevity to Julian Design. “We’ve been at the forefront of the design industry for many years, as we can interpret both new trends and implement them in a way to feel seamless with the timeless pieces,” Hughes says. “We understand the profound effect and correlation a well-designed and thoughtful space will have for our clients.”