Four Gardens on Virtual Tour Will Jumpstart Your Planting Plans

Grab your tickets for the 2022 Hennepin County Master Gardener Volunteer ‘Virtual’ Learning Garden Tour today

Photos provided by Mary Ellen Becker

Last year, the volunteers of the Hennepin County Master Gardeners decided to put their spring tour online. The virtual tour was a smashing success, and it’s happening again this year.

Already, tickets are on sale for the 2022 Hennepin County Master Gardener Volunteer ‘Virtual’ Learning Garden Tour. Just $12, the tour features four different gardens in Hennepin County. Whether you garden to produce your own fresh vegetables, grow plants for pollinators, or to fill your yard with flowers for cutting and outdoor enjoyment, the Virtual Garden tour was created to inspire and motivate.

“This is the time of year that, if you’re living in the North, you’re planning your garden for spring, summer, and fall,” says Mary Ellen Becker, a Hennepin County Master Gardener and member of the committee that puts the tour together, “whether you’re considering new hardscape, adding more color to your yard, want to try native plants, or are ordering plants and seeds.”

“As gardeners, we get inspiration from just about everywhere,” she adds, “our friends’ gardens, fellow Master Gardeners, classes we’ve taken, articles online, in magazines, and even from our own homes. How do we want to shift or change what we’re looking out on? How does our garden balance or enhance the style of our homes? The virtual tour provides great inspiration, plus you get the bonus of the educational opportunities.”

The focused educational opportunities will include how-tos on pruning, planting trees, and when and how to plant spring bulbs.

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