Name(Required) First Last Your Title(Required)Contact Email Address(Required) Company Name(Required)Company Phone Number(Required)Company Website(Required) Please answer the below questions.Please note, submissions will be edited for style, length, and clarity.Please briefly describe your company and what services you provide clients.What makes you stand out in the local market/what are you known for?Where do you most frequently work outside the Twin Cities? Are you licensed to work in other states?Describe a recent project outside of the Twin Cities metro, including specific project details (location, scope, etc.), design choices, and how your team was able to work with the homeowner to achieve their goals.What are some unique features in this project that highlight your industry talents?What is the biggest challenge when designing or building second homes for clients? How do you overcome this?Anything else you’d like to mention?Please submit high-resolution project photos (300 dpi), along with the name of the photographer(s). Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 512 MB.If photos are too large to send over email, please send over Dropbox, Google photos, zipped file, etc. Please ensure that you have the rights to use the provided photography.Photographer(s) NameUsage Rights + Permission(Required) By checking this box, you acknowledge that your organization has the rights to share these assets, and authorize Greenspring Media and its affiliates to use these materials at no additional fee. Your organization assumes all responsibility for any claims to the contrary.