We humans love to burrow in winter, just like our cats. We were charmed recently by a simple, yet ingenious, cat cozie—or rather felted cat cave—available at Gallery 360. Created by Distinctly Himalayan Imports, a Tibetan-owned and -run business in Rhinebeck, NY, the cozies meld style and design with materials sourced by socially conscious artisans and manufacturers throughout the Himalayas.
Meyou takes the cozie concept a bit further, setting the cocoon on sleek wooden legs so it becomes an actual piece of kitty furniture befitting the modern home. Created by Parisian designer Aude Sanchez, these spherical beds have replaceable inserts so your favorite feline can scratch the nubby surface to her heart’s content.
These woolen nests, with openings just big enough for cats to maintain surveillance of their surroundings, are a far cry from the usual cat-climbing furniture. Meanwhile, German company Goldtatze takes it to the next level with a series of elevated cat perches—as if we needed to be reminded of where we stand with our feline overlords. Mounted on the ceiling and/or walls, these modular wood walkways, bridges, scratching posts, shelves, and ceiling cubbies create an actual cat habitat in your home. You may want to consult with the family dog first.
What we’re really jonesing for, though, are the cat habitats that were designed by architects for a FixNation fundraising event in Los Angeles. Minimalist, modern, and with plenty of space for play and protection, these structures of wood, metal, and artificial grass double as intriguing people furniture. Here’s design for perfect cat-human co-habitation.
By Camille LeFevre
Photo courtesy of Gallery 360